Thursday, September 16, 2010

Best way for learning language

I am trying to use a book about movie’s script and explanation of it. Also I am using an internet site for learning English pop songs.
Using multimedia like movie clip and sound file for song is effective way to remember new vocabulary to me. I can connect a mood of movie or actor’s face and saying with new vocabularies. That reminds me the meaning of words. But the problem is the level of English. When I watch some movie clips, there are so many new words, idioms, and technical terms. I write the words even though I don’t know the spelling exactly and then I look it up in a dictionary. But it takes long time to compare with the number of new words what I learn. So, special books for learning English with movie and internet sites shorten the time for study.
For that reason, I always try to teach my students with various materials which contain visual and aural things.

p.s.) I can’t find a movie which is helpful and appropriate level for academic English yet! ^^

1 comment:

  1. Using movie clips and songs is very effective way to learn English.
    However, it is careful to use songs because of slangs in it.
    It is true to remember some words easier using various materials than without it. While I am reading a book(story), I can guess meanings of some words which I didn't know and can be much easier to remember. It's true. Cheers!
